Welcome to Family Guidance and Therapy Center's

Training Center
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You are required to complete the following RBT courses:

  1. Welcome to FGTC
  2. Relationship Development Intervention
  3. Applied Behavior Anlysis (ABA)
  4. Working with Clients
  5. Working at FGTC

This is a 40 hour online course that will need to be completed within 14 days of the start date. Overtime is not allowed in order to complete the course.

If you train/work the same day that you are completing the course please do not work over 8 hours total or more than 6 days in a row, as both of these will send you into overtime (and it is not approved, nor will it be paid).

To begin your training you need to activate your account if you have not done so. You should have received an email from FGTC Training with a link to activate your account and set your password. After you complete these steps you will need to login to your account. If at any time you get logged out you can click the login button on the menu or below to log in again. You will not be able to access the training modules without being logged into your account.

You can view your progress through the program at any time by clicking ‘My Progress’ in the menu or by clicking this link https://training.familyguidanceandtherapy.com/my-progress/ (you will only be able to access this page if logged in).


This is a new training and still has some glitches. If you need any help from tech support or your supervisor please go to the support tab in the top menu or footer and send the appropriate email form.

Account activated?

Logged in?

Let’s get started!